
Slightly larger EU sugar beet sowings at risk of disease attacks

European farmers planted slightly more sugar beet this year, encouraged by high sugar prices, but the harvest is uncertain after heavy rain delayed plantings and mild weather raised the risk of a devastating disease in some countries, analysts said. It is reported by Wet soils and continuous showers delayed field work by about two weeks in the two largest producing countries France and Germany, while Poland, traditionally the third-lar...

India sugar production beats estimates

India's sugar production has been higher than expected this year after the completion of cane crushing at most of its mills, industry officials said on Wednesday, with a late pick-up in rains raising output. It is reported by business-standard. With the majority of India's sugar mills having now completed crushing for the 2023/24 season, output so far stands at 31.59 million metric tons, accor...

Rivne region finished sugar beet sowing

The spring sowing of sugar beets has ended in Rivne region. Oleksandr Koval, the head of Rivne RMA, reported about it. Thanks to favorable weather conditions, agrarians of the region finished sugar beet sowing. By the way, sugar beets were sown on ...

Vinnytsia region finished sugar beet sowing campaign

Although weather conditions of the past few weeks somewhat slowed down the pace of spring field work, the sowing of sugar beets was already completed. It is announced by the head of Vinnytsia RMA Serhiy Borzov. The sugar beets were sown on the area of 60,000 hectares or almost 6,000 hectares more than for the 2023 harvest.

Volyn region planted 79% of sugar beets

Despite cold weather, Volyn farmers actively continue spring field work. It is noted on the page of Volyn RMA, VolynUA reported. In Volyn region, the area of 9.5 thousand hectares was sown with sugar beets — 79% of the planned.

Brazil's new sugarcane crop seen almost 4% down — Conab

Brazil's new sugarcane crop will be only slightly smaller than the record previous one, government agency Conab said on Thursday, and sugar production will reach an all time high as higher planting partly offsets falling agricultural yields. It is reported by Reuters. Conab projected Brazil's 2024/25 (April-March) total sugarcane crop at 685.86 million metric tons, 3.8% less than in 2023/24. The fall in total cane volume is smal...

Ukraine planted almost 239 kha of sugar beets

As of April 25, almost 239,000 hectares were planted with sugar beets in Ukraine. It is reported by press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. An area of 238.7 thousand hectares was sown with sugar beets. Agricultural farms of Vinnytsia, Poltava, Khmel...

Rivne region sowed more than 70% of sugar beets

2024 sowing campaign is in full swing in Rivne region. Farmers are gradually implementing their plans for fields sowing. Oleksandr Koval, the head of Rivne Regional Military Administration, told about it, reported. So far, more than 70% of the planned area have been sown with sugar beets.

Ternopil region sowed 81% of sugar beets

2024 spring sowing campaign is underway in Ternopil region. This is reported by oblast-te. Sowing of late crops continues in the region. In particular, 81% of the planned area have already been sown with sugar beets.

Thailand’s sugarcane harvest takes a hit

A significant reduction in Thailand’s sugarcane yield in the 2023-24 crop year has been reported by the Office of the Cane and Sugar Board (OCSB). This decrease in production is attributed to severe drought conditions and is expected to have an impact on the worldwide sugar supply. It is reported Bangkok Post. Thailand is the second-largest exporter of sugar globally, following Brazil. Therefore, any decrease in its production could cause strain on the global market. A rep...
