In 2023, sugar production allowed us to abandon the sale of cereals and oilseeds — Cygnet

7-7.5 tonnes of sugar can be obtained from 1 hectare of sugar beets. The price of sugar at the factory today amounts to €600 without VAT. Meanwhile, the cost of sugar beets growing is $1,500, plus the cost of processing. So, in 2023, the income for 1 hectare of sugar beets amounted to about $2,000.

Financial director of Cygnet Agrocompany Volodymyr Bondarenko told about this at Ukrainian professional conference «Grain And Processig: Development Despite the War», Latifundist reported.

«This year, sugar is the savior that allowed our company to completely abandon the sale of grain and oil products. Everything was laid on elevators and sleeves. Only the sale of sugar provided us with cash flow for both autumn and winter», — said Volodymyr Bondarenko.

According to him, the company has been producing sugar for 12 years. Over the past 10 years, the average income of 1 ha of beets is twice as high as that of cereals.