Gnidava sugar factory is 85% ready for the start of the new season

Spring is a really "hot" time for farmers. Each stage of work must be 100% worked out in order to get high yieds during the harvesting.

It is reported by press service of the enterprise.

This year's floods made their adjustments at the beginning of the planting season. Mineral fertilizers became another problem for farmers. There are several reasons for this. First, domestic production is fully aimed at meeting the needs of the Ukrainian agricultural sector. Secondly, due to the war, farmers could not buy raw materials in advance due to the risks.

«Those who work in the regime of correct crop rotation, have developed animal husbandry, where they can use organic matter, that's why they are not in such a critical situation with mineral fertilizers. However, no more than 20 percent of such farms will be forced to take into account the high price of mineral fertilizers in the cost price of the grown products. After all, you can't deceive a plant: if you don't provide nutrition, you won't get a good crop. This will certainly be reflected in the quality of the grown products, in particular sugar beets», — says the deputy director of Gnidava sugar factory Oleksandr Nikishyn.

Despite everything, the team of Gnidava sugar factory has already prepared 85% of its production facilities for the start of the new season and assures that they will fulfill their obligations to agricultural producers and partners.

«Sugar beet is a good crop, it is just no longer produced, but it provides high profitability for farms, it can't even be compared with grain crops», — says Vasyl Mukha, director of Gnidava sugar factory.