«Astarta» prepares for sugar beet sowing



Specialists of «Astarta» agri-industrial holding have already started work in the field, they are closing soil moisture and harrowing winter crops.

Roman Pavlyk, the chief agronomist of the agronomic service of «Astarta-Kyiv» told about it in Facebook.

He notes that this season the situation is unusual: spring has come very early and convincingly. Therefore, the equipment has already entered the field. This applies to a greater extent to the western, as well as partly to Poltava region of «Astarta»'s operations.

«Regarding the start of sowing, the weather forecast for the next week gives hope that the sowing campaign will start at the end of March or in the first days of April, and we will all be to start sugar beet sowing. As for other crops, at the end of the first decade of April, we forecast to start sunflowers sowing, first of all in the southern massifs of «Volochysk-Agro» LLC and Poltava region», — said Roman Pavlyk.

He explained that early spring gives the expectation of good harvest and high yield, first of all, of winter crops, as long growing season gives an opportunity for plants to fully realize their potential.