«Tsukoragroprom» LLC «Kobeliatsky Sugar Refinery» PU


Address of production capacities: 39221, Poltava region, Kobeliaky district, Bilyky, Myru str., 1.

Kobeliatsky Sugar Refinery was built in 1950-1955 in accordance with the fifth five-year plan for the restoration and development of the national economy of the USSR and put into operation in 1955 and produced beet sugar. Later the refinery became one of the leading enterprises of the local industry. Part of produced sugar was delivered to Bilyky dairy canning factory, which produced condensed milk.

In 1981-1984, during the implementation of «Sugar» target complex program specialists of the Ministry of Food Industry of the Ukrainian SSR and the Academy of Sciences of the USSR designed and created a new structure of a thin layer of lumina tin for the precipitation of dispersed particles of beet juice of the first saturation — with increased efficiency and capacity of 3 thousand tonnes of beet per day. The first experimental specimen of the tumbler-illuminator was installed at Kobeliatsky Sugar Refinery.

After the proclamation of Independence of Ukraine, the refinery was privatized. In 2003, «Astarta-Kyiv» LLC agroholding became the owner of the refinery. 

The economic crisis started in 2008 (which reduced the industrial demand for sugar) and Ukraine's accession to the WTO (after which the country was allowed to import raw sugar at a reduced rate of customs duty) complicated the situation of the company. 

In 2010, «Teplocom» LLC modernized the defecosaturation station and the thermal scheme of the refinery, and «NT-Prom» completed its work on the reconstruction of the refinery's production facilities. After completion of the reconstruction, the refinery was among ten the most effective sugar factories of Ukraine (in 2012, the coefficient of sugar extracting from raw materials at Kobeliatsky sugar refinery amounted to 82,51%, while the average value of the indicator for all 63 active in 2012 sugar factories was 78,69%).

In early 2015, the refinery was stopped and in 2015 it did not work. On October 6, 2016, the refinery restarted sugar production. The company process sugar beet, grown in three regions of Poltava region — Kobeliaky, Kozelshchyna and Novosanzharsk districts. By December 15, 2016, the refinery produced more than 50 thousand tonnes of sugar.