«Radekhivskyi Sugar» LLC (Khorostkiv Production)


Address of production capacities: 48124, Ternopil region, Gusiatynsk district, Khorostkiv, Zavodska st., 1.

Khorostkiv Sugar Plant is one of the largest and the most important enterprises in the Ternopil region. It is situated on the territory of Gusiatyn district.

The processing of raw materials began in 1958 and amounted to 3 thousand tons of sugar beet per day. In connection with a significant increase in sugar beet crops in the region and in accordance with the increased beet yields, it was decided to increase the production capacity of the plant. Reconstruction of the plant took place between 1976 and 1980.

 The production aria of the plant is 4000 square meters.

During 2007-2013 a gradual modernization of the refinery took place. Many equipment of foreign production has been purchased, which allows to process up to 7 thousand tones of sugar beet per day.